Wellness for Everybody

An all inclusive wellness retreat must include wellness that meets the needs of everybody. A place where individuals from all walks of life can come together and collectively feel happy and healthy. This one specifically for moms. A retreat to help us all rediscover ourselves, regain strength and relax because let’s be honest, relaxing isn’t something that comes naturally once you become a mom. Let’s dive into the five pillars of wellness we focused on while creating Moms on Holiday.

Physical Wellness: A healthy balanced and functioning body.

Mental Wellness: A healthy mindset and learning to exist in the present moment.

Emotional Wellness: A healthy self-esteem with the ability to meet your own emotional needs.

Social Wellness: A healthy sense of belonging within a community and relationships.

Environmental Wellness: A healthy living environment that brings you peace and joy.

Physical Wellness

We strongly believe that movement is medicine and nutrition can create balance between your body and mind. According to the medical world we should be moving our bodies for at least 30 minutes a day with an average of 150 minutes per week. Not only will you feel more confident, but you will literally prevent disease in your body. So get moving mamas. Now, let’s touch on nutrition. Some say this is more important than movement. I don’t agree with that statement, but I do believe being mindful about what you eat is just as important. Eating well creates a balanced body and mind. 
Try a movement class with us.

Mental Wellness

Do you meditate? Have you tried? The benefits of meditation for your mental wellness are incredible. Meditation is scientifically proven to reduce stress, control anxiety, and improve sleep. All areas that moms can most definitely benefit from. Start small and maybe soon you’ll be meditating every day. You really just need 5-10 minutes a day. 

Try a meditation with us.

Emotional Wellness

As a newish mom my self-esteem and confidence really suffered. What brought me back to myself was moving my body and keeping myself a priority. This meant I set aside time every single day to move (even if it was just for 10 minutes) and to care for myself whether it was a much needed breakfast date with a friend or laying on the couch with a face mask. I encourage you all to do things that make you feel good because when you feel good, life is better. 

Check out 6 Ways to Spend a MomDay Monday.

Social Wellness

Community is everything. Especially for moms. We believe being involved in a community is a key ingredient for enjoying a fulfilling life. Here are some reasons why we believe mom communities are so important: 

  • Support and Safety

  • Connections and Belonging

  • Sharing

  • Learning

A sense of belonging will make momlife so much better. Moms who belong to communities are generally happier and healthier. 

Join the Moms on Holiday community

Environmental Wellness

Have you ever walked into a space and immediately felt happy? Creating or visiting spaces (and places) that bring you joy is incredibly important for your wellbeing. If your living space doesn’t spark joy, I believe that means it’s necessary to make some changes. The environment you are in day in and day out matters. Make sure it brings you happiness. And when you plan a holiday, keep in mind how the environment will leave a lasting positive impact on you and your family.

Read How to Make a Wellness Haven at Your Home.

Make sure you're taking care of your physical, mental, emotional, social and environmental wellness. And don’t forget we’re here to help. Join our wellness retreat now.


A Focus on Women’s Heart Health


How to Make a Wellness Haven at Your Home