A Focus on Women’s Heart Health

February is American Heart Month — the perfect time to focus on heart health and preventing heart disease, which is the leading cause of death for American women. 

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease kills one woman every 80 seconds in the United States. And half of all women who experience a heart attack have no warning signs and only subtle symptoms. 

Knowing your risks and making good lifestyle choices are the first steps to staying heart healthy. Whether you’re just starting to prioritize your heart health or fell into some bad habits during the pandemic, now’s the time to get on track. 

We like to practice the SMILES acronym. 

  • Smile

  • Move

  • Inspire

  • Love liquids

  • Eat wisely

  • Sleep soundly

Smiling produces “happy hormones” including serotonin and dopamine. “Move” refers to exercise and it’s recommended to do 30 minutes of movement five days a week for optimal heart health.

“Inspire” is about breathing deeply, which oxygenates and relaxes the body and mind. Loving liquids leads to ample hydration, which increases blood flow throughout the body. Eating wisely means more plants and spices, less meat, sugar and processed foods. Sleep is when the body restores itself. 

Last, but not least, I suggest getting your heart checked every year. A healthy heart is a happy heart.

Listen to my heart story on the Continua podcast.


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