5 Minutes of Movement

As a mom, you know a lot can happen in 5 minutes. Your baby could go from cuddling to having a major blowout. Your toddler could go from playing quietly in the corner to emptying the entire kitchen compost bin onto the just cleaned floor. Your 3rd grader could go from climbing a tree in the front yard to having a broken arm. And last but not least your teen could go from asking you for something politely to flipping you off with both middle fingers. Having kids is crazy. A lot can happen in 5 minutes.

A lot of GOOD can happen if you take 5 minutes for yourself throughout the day. Especially if it is 5 minutes of movement because regular exercise is the key to relieve stress and promote good physical and mental health.

Try this quick Moms on Holiday: 5 Minutes of Movement


1 Minute

Jumping jack gives flexibility and help you increase the stamina. One minute of jumping jacks can loosen your muscles with more flow of oxygen into the bloodstream and burn some calories.


15 Push Ups x 2 Sets

Push ups are one of the most effective exercises ever. The exercise strengthens your upper body as it’s beneficial for chest, shoulders and triceps. It also strengthens yours thighs and abdominal muscles.


20 Squats x 2 Sets

Want cute booty? Do squats. Squats are the most effective exercise to tone your thighs, hips and butts. Not only do they tone, but squats improve your overall health by boosting digestion and blood circulation.


30 Seconds Each Leg

Pick a standing leg then pull your other knee to your chest or as high as it will go and balance for 30 seconds. Balancing on one foot enhances flexibility of leg muscles. It also boosts your concentration and helps you fight anxiety and depression.


1 Minute

A Moms on Holiday favorite because planks put your entire body to work. It works your abs the most, but since it is a compound exercise it strengthens more than one muscle at a time. Get comfy and hold that plank mama!


3 Mini Holiday Ideas


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