Meet Taylor

(MOH) Taylor! So happy you’re here. Tell us all about yourself.

(Taylor) We have an almost 2 year old and live in Charlotte, North Carolina. I’m a Lifestyle Photographer and part-time Orthodontic Assistant. But most days you’ll catch me chasing around my toddler named Cove.

(MOH) You’re an amazing photographer. I’m sure every mom here would love to have a session with you. Now I know your journey into motherhood was a little wild to say the least. Can you please share your experience?

(Taylor) One word: Hectic! My husband and I struggled to conceive naturally and turned to fertility medication to better our chances. After a miscarriage we fell pregnant with our rainbow baby. His birth was wild that ended in an emergency C-Section. Three weeks later, we sent him into open heart surgery for a second chance at life. Moving forward to now, we have our miracle and we’re forever grateful for him.

(MOH) What a miracle! I love my little fellow heart warrior. What’s your favorite part about being a mom?

(Taylor) My favorite part about being a mom is watching this little human I created with someone I love become their own person. Watching him develop his own little personality is the most magical thing.

(MOH) And the hardest part?

(Taylor) The hardest part about being a mom is the constant worry that what I’m doing right now will pay off later and if it’s good enough.

(MOH) I totally get that, but you are doing amazing and Cove is a lucky boy! What do you miss most about life before motherhood?

(Taylor) I miss the quiet, personal time and freedom.

(MOH) Amen. What does wellness mean to you?

(Taylor) Doing things that benefit YOU. Whether it be personal, physical or mental.

(MOH) Yes! I love that you incorporate physical and mental wellness. That’s so important. Last, but not least where’s your next holiday?

(Taylor) California! We have hopes of one day moving to the West Coast so we try to visit as much as possible.

(MOH) Yay! Can’t wait to have some Moms on Holiday time together in CA!


Meet Heidi


Meet Shannon