Meet Heidi

Hi! My name is Heidi and I’m the founder of Moms on Holiday. I currently live in Los Angeles, California with my husband and 16 month old toddler, Huxley. Our little pandemic baby who has now turned into an extra cute wild child. It has been the absolute joy of my life to watch my baby become a little human over the past almost year and a half.

My journey into motherhood has been completely unexpected, but I am sure many of you with pandemic babies can relate. I only know motherhood in COVID times. And I live in LA so when I say stuff has been shut down…it’s been SHUT DOWN! I haven’t been able to join a mom group and the toddler music class I signed up for decided to stay digital. It’s been an interesting time, but I don’t know anything different. 

I found out I was pregnant in January 2020 and by March we were cooped up in our old apartment and I was eating mac n cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’m sure you know the rest. My husband didn’t get to come to any appointments with me. We even had a few scares where I got checked into labor & delivery and my husband wasn’t allowed to come in. Times were crazy, but we made it through. Also, let me add in one more important detail before we move on. 

I was born with congenital heart disease. I never thought I would be able to have children. Because I have taken care of my health and have had life saving surgeries I was able to get pregnant, although I was a high risk case. 

Ok, back to the baby stuff. Due to complications with my heart I was induced the second I became 37 weeks pregnant. 24 hours later Huxley Brooks Hilton was born at UCLA Hospital after a Lakers win! What an honor to get to be his mom. 

My favorite part about being a mom is the stereotypical getting to watch him grow and become such a rad little boy. Another favorite part is playing dress up. I have a new love for baby clothes. They are so cute! I’ll share all my favorite brands soon. The hardest part about being a mom is everything. Just kidding, but really being a mom is hard. I had absolutely no idea and am in awe of every single mother on this planet. 

I’m going to be completely transparent. I miss life before motherhood. I miss walking to the beach without 100 things. I miss spontaneous weekend trips. I miss sleep. But, it is all so worth it. Being a mom is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done in my life. 

What does wellness mean to me? It means so many different things. The three areas of wellness I focus on are:

  1. Physical wellness: Movement, Nutrition and Preventative Health

  2. Mental wellness: Meditation, Rest, and Therapy

  3. Social wellness: Community, Community, and Community

We will expand more on these focus areas later.

My favorite question for everyone…where’s your next holiday?

Big Sur! One of my favorite places in the world. We are going camping with friends the first week of March. It will be Huxley’s first time camping, so any tips on camping with babies is much appreciated. 

And then soon after we are headed to Europe for a few weeks. I CAN’T WAIT! Hopefully I can meet some moms on holiday abroad. 


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