Meet Shannon

(MOH) Hi Shannon!! I can’t believe we are both moms now. We’ve been friends our whole lives and now get to do motherhood together. It’s pretty special. So, let’s get into it. Tell us the deets about yourself and your fun little family.

(Shannon) I have two cute boys ages 5 and 2.5 and we live in Leawood, Kansas. I’m a psychotherapist with my own private practice. I completed grad school with 2 kids during the pandemic and opened my practice in September. This mama needs a holiday! 

(MOH) You deserve one! I’m so proud of you. Can you tell us about what your journey into motherhood looked like?

(Shannon) I got pregnant with my first kid while I was in grad school and after being married for 2 years. I left school to be a stay at home mom and loved it. After moving from Kansas to CA, I got pregnant with my second kid in the middle of a huge season of transition for my family. It has not been ideal timing but I wouldn’t change it for anything now.

(MOH) It’s so refreshing to hear about all your transitions since first becoming a mom and now seeing where you are today. What’s your favorite part about being a mom?

(Shannon) Watching my kids interact with each other and grow their relationship is my all time favorite thing. I feel like I get to know and see new parts of them every day.

(MOH) And the hardest part?

(Shannon) The hardest part of being a mom is being constantly needed. Even when I’m at work, I have a running list of things that need to get done.

(MOH) Yep. Definitely feel that one. The feeling of being constantly on 24/7 is draining. Hence why we all need a holiday. Every day. What do you miss most about life before motherhood?

(Shannon) I miss the freedom and the ability to be spontaneous. I didn’t realize how nice that was until I didn’t have it anymore.

(MOH) Such a luxury that I definitely took for granted before Huxley. And what does wellness mean to you?

(Shannon) Wellness to me is an overall feeling. When I feel like I put in the work in a day to be my best self. That is wellness. It looks different for me in different seasons.

(MOH) I love that. Especially that it looks different in different seasons. Very true. Now, my final question…where’s your next holiday?

(Shannon) My best friend and I are taking our oldest kids to Disneyland for their 5th bday in February. We live in Kansas City so we will get a weekend in California to relax!

(MOH) Have fun! Also, everyone should check out the second image below. Shannon and me as little wild children!


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