Meet Britlyn

(MOH) Ok, let’s talk surface level stuff. How many kids do you have, how old are they, where do you live and what are you up to these days?

(Brit) I have an 8 month old baby girl and we live in San Diego, California. Right now I’m spending lots of time with my little family, being out in the fresh air after being inside working from home so much! Also, I’ve been playing with my mom’s foster puppies, bringing our dog to the beach and really enjoyed time with our families over the holidays!

(MOH) Family, pups, and being outside sounds wonderful! I think we need to add San Diego to our list of holidays we will be taking this year. Now, let’s get into the real deets. What was your journey into motherhood like?

(Brit) My journey into motherhood was a juxtaposition of serene and chaotic.  After getting pregnant we had a health scare early on that ended up not turning into anything (a theme throughout my pregnancy).  I knew I always wanted to be a mom and spent my entire childhood caring for small animals with my own mom who did animal rescue.  I knew how to nurture newborn kittens, puppies, squirrels etc from a young age but didn’t know how that would translate into a human!  Aside from gestational diabetes, my pregnancy was smooth sailing.  I loved being able to feel her kicks and I know other mothers understand when I say words can’t describe how special it was to feel that connected to my baby.  Due to having gestational diabetes, I was scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks.  This didn’t end up happening as planned as the hospital I was scheduled with had a cyber attack and they canceled all scheduled procedures.  I knew covid could affect this pregnancy and childbirth but I never thought a cyber attack on the hospital would!  Thankfully, that was our last hiccup and our baby girl joined us 3 days later!

(MOH) Wow, thank you so much for sharing! We are so happy both you and baby are healthy. What’s your favorite part about being a mom?

(Brit) It’s absolutely incredible to look at this little human being and think I get to be with her from her very first moments and then throughout her entire life. She reminds me not to take anything in life too seriously because no matter how tough work was that day or how tired I feel, playing with her will never fail to make me happy.

(MOH) Love that. As much as our babies make us happy, it isn’t always easy. What’s the hardest part about being a mom?

(Brit) I think the hardest part of motherhood (so far…) is never knowing if you are doing the right thing and having to just completely trust your instincts. There’s no manual for your specific child that tells you that you’re making the right choice at the moment. I appreciate more than ever my friends and family who keep it real and tell me “this is what worked for me but it’s just something I’ve tried.” The ones who admit they also have no idea what is going on but we’re in this together. (Shout out to Heidi!)

(MOH) What do you miss most about life before motherhood?

(Brit) Being able to sit down and watch a movie or read a book and know you won’t be interrupted- my little one is on the go and has no time for relaxing!

(MOH) Oh yea, we hear you there! I’m embarrassed to admit how many books I’ve read since having a baby. (Hoping to change that soon!) Speaking of having and making time for ourselves, what does wellness mean to you?

(Brit) To me, wellness means to honor what your body and mind need in that moment and to understand that what you need is fluid and ever changing based on your current circumstance.

(MOH) So beautiful! I needed to hear that. Last, but not least my favorite questions, where’s your next holiday?

(Brit) Palm Springs! We’re headed out to the desert with my brother in law and his fiancé to enjoy some R&R.

PS. Palm Springs HOLIDAY GUIDE Coming Soon!


Meet Shannon