6 Ways to Spend a MomDay Monday

Have you heard of MomDay Monday?! I just made it up. If you’re anything like me you LOVE weekends, but weekends with kids are a bit different. Gone are the Saturdays when you can sleep in until noon or go randomly meet your girlfriends for happy hour. Weekends are still fun, but you don’t really get that much needed “me time” after a busy week. So, I created MomDay Mondays. Where we, moms, take an hour or three to do sh*t for ourselves. Here are six ways to spend a MomDay Monday.

1. Get Pampered

Schedule a facial, hair, massage or nail appointment. When you feel good, you look good and vice versa. Go treat yourself mama.

2. Meet a Friend

Meet a friend for coffee, lunch or even a walk. Spending quality time with a friend who is a positive influence in your life will leave a smile on your face for the rest of the day. 

3. Enjoy a Meal

Have a lunch date with yourself. Bring a book or simply enjoy eating a meal without any distractions. And yes go ahead and order dessert, you deserve it.

4. Retail Therapy

Whether you go window shopping for an hour or purchase a whole new wardrobe to fit your new mombod, savor that alone time. Sometimes a new outfit can really make a bad day better.

5. Walk it Out

Lace up your shoes, find your headphones and go for a long walk, alone. Need something to listen to? Here is a fun walking playlist that might take you back to nights at the club pre kids. 

6. Take a Moms on Holiday Class

Find a good spot at home, at the beach, at a park, or even in a parking lot and move your body. Do a HIIT class followed by Yoga or take a strength class to really feel the burn. We can say with 100% confidence that moving your body will help prepare you for the week.

I know it’s hard to find time for yourself, but it is necessary. It will make you a better mom and better human to be around. So pull up your calendar, schedule some MomDay Monday fun and put up that OOO.


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