Meet Hannah

MOH: Hi Hannah! Our favorite yoga teacher from the Mid West! It’s such an honor to have you teach on our platform and your journey into motherhood is so inspiring. Give us a few basic deets about yourself.

Hannah: Hi! I currently live in St. Louis with my husband who is medical residency and my two beautiful daughters who are 2 years old and 3 months apart. I’ll explain! My life is busy chasing toddlers around, exploring our new city, and teaching yoga. Check out my online and in person yoga studio: Sunflower.

MOH: You must have your hands full! OK, tell us more about your story of becoming a mom to two girls who are 3 months apart.

Hannah: My journey into parenthood was nothing like I expected but more than I could have dreamt up. My husband and I were always open to adoption, but the timing was made clear when we found out we couldn’t have kids. The doctors think I went through menopause at 28. Long story short, we became an active adoptive family and within a very short time got separate calls about two girls - we said yes without hesitation and just took it day by day. A few months later, both girls became a part of our family. I always knew I wanted to be a mother and have a large family, and through adoption I’ve been completely blessed with a BIG family - others moms, dads, aunts, sisters, etc. It’s an incredibly humbling and empowering feeling to mother alongside some strong, strong mothers. I’ve seen broken things become beautiful.

MOH: Wow. Chills! “I’ve seen broken things become beautiful.” I love that so much. Those girls are lucky to have you as their mom. What has been your favorite part about being a mom so far?

Hannah: I feel like I have a different favorite thing during the different stages of the my girls lives, but right now there is nothing better than seeing your kids figure something out on their own. To see their creativity, words, and world expand is amazing. To see my girls start to genuinely be amazed at something is super cool.

MOH: Yes! Huxley has started making this “wow” face when he figures something out and the joy it brings is immeasurable. What is the hardest part?

Hannah: Stressing out about whether you are messing them up or not! Ha! “Do I explain things to them this way or this way?” “Should they still take a nap or are they ready to stay awake all day” “This friend does this….should I be doing this?” “If my girls eat chicken nuggets every day, are their brains going to develop okay?” Just all these silly little questions that can make you doubt yourself, but I firmly believe God allows you to be your children’s mother for a unique reason and to have confidence in it.

MOH: Laughing at the chicken nuggets every day question, I think a lot of this have this same question! I also love and totally believe that we are chosen to be our children’s mother for a reason. Thanks so much for your honesty here. I know many of us moms struggle with this. What about life before motherhood? What do you miss?

Hannah: Having time be my own!

MOH: Yep, which is why putting up our OOO is so important for us moms. Speaking of making time for ourselves and practicing wellness in all forms. What does wellness mean to you?

Hannah: To me, being well means to not just accomplish goals or a checklist, but come to a point of total joy and confidence in who I was created to be; to be strong and resilient mentally and physically. It means remembering that I am worth the work and that my people are worth me taking time to work on myself. Wellness means filling my cup so that out of that overflow I can love and serve others.

MOH: I love how you look at wellness. So so important to know that you are worth the work and that it’s essential to fill your own cup. Last, but not least do you have any fun holidays coming up?

Hannah: Well, nothing super sexy, but since we are in St Louis for a short time, we are going to take a weekend staycation and explore the city without kids. Hopefully find a spa and a good spicy marg!

MOH: A spa, spicy marg and weekend without the kids sounds delightful! Can’t wait to hear about all the fun things to do in St. Louis. Enjoy!

PS. We are lucky to have Hannah teach yoga for MOH Members. Login or Join Now to try a class.


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