How to Make a Vision Board

Feeling uninspired? It happens to the best of us. Especially when we are so caught up in “mom life.” We’re here to help. Making a vision board is a wonderful way to inspire you and help you achieve your goals for the week, month or year. I like to make them at the beginning of each month to help me stay focused, inspired and positive. 

Here’s how I make my vision board…

Choose a theme.

Each month I like to pick a vibe. Sometimes it aligns with a holiday or a season and other times it’s just a vibe I am really needing to feel. For example in February my theme was self love with a minimal aesthetic. This month I’m choosing to nourish my body and soul through nature, so my theme is natural environments. Get creative with your themes. You can even use a solid color for a theme. For example the color orange is energizing. If that is what you need this month, go ahead and create an all orange vision board. 

Set clear goals.

I like to set 5 goals each month that meet the 5 pillars of wellness: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social and Environmental. For me setting these goals and inserting them into my vision board makes me have a more productive, well-rounded month. My goals span from making sure I move my body for 10 minutes each day to intentionally making time to call each of my long distance friends. Make sure your goals are clear and attainable. And don’t forget to celebrate when you achieve something no matter how small it is!

Add imagery and quotes.

Here’s the fun part. Take a look at your theme and goals, then start finding those beautiful images that will inspire and remind you what your vision for the month is. I tend to use more photos for my vision boards, but love an inspirational quote or even just a power word. Make sure each photo, quote, or word resonates with you and your hopes for the month ahead. 

Display it somewhere that you’ll see every day.

Hang it up, make it your phone screen background, post to social media…do whatever you need to see your vision board and then watch it come to life. 

Interested to learn more about the power of vision boards? We will be hosting a Moms on Holiday Vision Board Workshop soon. Sign up here to get the deets.


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