Meet Arielle

(MOH): Hi Arielle! We’re so happy you’re here. Congrats on becoming a mom of two! What are you up to these days?

(Arielle): Hi! I live in the Bay Area with my family. We have two boys, 3 years and 3 months old. Life is busy! I’m currently on maternity leave, so I am soaking in all the newborn snuggles and hang time with my boys.

(MOH): Aw so happy you are getting the time to be with your boys and heal. What’s your favorite part about being a mom?

(Arielle): Getting to watch my kids learn and explore. It’s like I am getting to re-explore the world through their eyes.

(MOH): It really is incredible! There is nothing quite like the joy of seeing the world through your children’s eyes. That being said, momming can be hard too. What’s the hardest thing about being a mom and what do you miss most about life before kids?

(Arielle): The hardest part is having way less time for yourself. All of my needs seem to come second or even third now. I miss the carefree days of being spontaneous. Life with two kids means it take an hour or two just to get out the door.

(MOH): I completely agree with all of that. Hence, why I create Moms on Holiday! On that topic, what does wellness mean to you and how do you care for yourself these days with two little ones?

(Arielle): To me, wellness is giving nourishing things to your body and mind. Some ways I like to do this are a nutritious meal, some fresh air, an interesting book, a good chat with family or friends, and of course moving my body. A little bit of everything in moderation is my motto.

(MOH): I love that and finding little ways throughout the day to practice wellness is so important. And now a personal favorite, where’s your next holiday? Or what was your most recent holiday?

(Arielle): We just got home from spending 3 weeks in Oahu visiting family! Lots of beach, hikes and relaxation. (well as much as you can relax with a toddler and newborn) Next up, we are heading to Lake Tahoe in a few weeks!

(MOH): Amazing! And thank you so much for sharing all your beautiful beach photos. Love to see you living a happy and healthy life.

Hawaii and Lake Tahoe Moms on Holiday Guides are coming soon!


How to Make a Vision Board


A Moms on Holiday Mocktail