A Mommy & Me Snack

A snack that is yummy and healthy for you…and your baby. Tell us more!

You know that feeling when you all of a sudden get hangry and you grab for the bag of chips, again. Or your baby starts demanding a snack and you give them cheerios, again. No shame from us, but we do have a snack you might want to try instead.

Step 1: Grab a slice of *whole grain bread

Step 2: Cut an avocado in half, scoop and mash onto toast

Step 3: Slice cucumbers into thin strips and place them on top of mashed avocado

Step 4: Sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper

Step 5: Enjoy your Moms on Holiday Mommy & Me Snack

Here’s the benefits:

Whole Grain Bread: A healthy carb that delivers a variety of important nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. All of these nutrients help support your health in a variety of ways including reducing the risk of heart disease, obesity, and also supports healthy digestion. A great food to keep you and baby “regular.”

Avocado: One of the most nutritious and healthy foods you can eat. They contain nutrients that help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and control blood pressure which in turn reduce the risk of heart disease. And for growing kids they are an amazing food to help support the growth and development of the central nervous system and brain. A win win for mom and child.

Cucumber: The vegetable (that’s actually a fruit) with the highest water content of any food. Cucumbers are made up of 96% water. So it is safe to say cucumbers promote hydration and prevent dehydration with their electrolytes. They detoxify your body, reduce inflammation and even help your skin to glow. That’s right, if you want skin that looks like your baby’s booty load up on cucumbers.

Do you have a favorite snack? Share your recipe with us on social.


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